As he made them, Herbert would post his designs on

As he made them, Herbert would post his designs on Instagram, soliciting feedback from others. Soon, people began asking him to draw illustrations. One day in August, Herbert and his brother, Jason, were walking through New York, and Herbert was looking at his Gameboy cell phone case. Disgusted by the Washington establishment and where it…

Norfolk has Birth place of Nelson, yet he was also

Norfolk has Birth place of Nelson, yet he was also High Steward of Ipswich not mentioned anywhere. The river crossing cannot come soon enough it should if planned well manage the traffic problems along Star Lane and College Street. Let’s not prejudge what could be a real asset to Ipswich and something that our neighbouring…

This is where things can get out whack on any

This is where things can get out whack on any project. Every time you add another corner to a building costs go up. Every time you make the ceiling higher it cost money. Martin was 55, financially secure, not needing a new job, but definitely wanting one.”When you lose a job through no fault of…

In the old days, cheap credit fueled the whole economy,

In the old days, cheap credit fueled the whole economy, increasing earnings for all. Not so these days. Globalization intensifies competition among low wage workers worldwide, keeping wages in check while enabling CEOs and stockholders who play the global marketplace to reap the benefits. The Cinderella Project, which Waldo County CAP hosted for a fifth…