I punch you in the stomach if it weren made

I punch you in the stomach if it weren made of polished steel. Overall, I enjoyed this video. If you can put up with the music and making eye contact with Scott Cole while hip thrusting, it’s worth the cost.. Hey, you’ve got to have a view, even in the winter, and this one’s got…

PORTLAND, OR If you in the market for a cheap

PORTLAND, OR If you in the market for a cheap burger and milkshake from a favorite northwest restaurant chain then look no further than Burgerville SE Hawthorne Blvd location.To celebrate the company founding in 1961 in Vancouver, WA the locally sourced fast food chain is throwing a birthday bash at 1122 SE Hawthorne Blvd featuring…

Plastic is the focus of a new exhibit at the

Plastic is the focus of a new exhibit at the Honolulu Museum of Art’s Spalding House. It a look at plastic through art.people think about plastic, they think about cheap. They think about disposable. One big reason why people fail at the wholesale game is that they don’t do the numbers. In other words, they…

This isn’t the first time Emmerich has stepped away from

This isn’t the first time Emmerich has stepped away from mega budget studio pictures to tackle more personal material, though critics came with their knives pre sharpened for 2011’s Anonymous. With Stonewall, skeptics actually swooped in to preemptively scold the film for “white washing” the Christopher St. Riots after an early trailer revealed how Jon…

Low commodity prices and a steep drop in energy related

Low commodity prices and a steep drop in energy related investment are “significant drags” on growth, he said, and are dampening sectors like housing and car sales in the energy producing provinces. We could add that provinces like Nova Scotia, ones that supply many workers to the oil patch, are feeling those impacts, too. Demand,…